We’re baccccccck!!!
The WWW largest website dedicated to the worlds most popular show is BACK!
BaywatchTV.org aims to be your ultimate source for all things Baywatch. Some of you may remember the original BaywatchTV.org, launched back in 2008 and ran until 2014. However, our history goes back further than that, our Baywatch website started in 2001 as “Baywatch Ultimate” and steadily grew to be the largest and most visited Baywatch wesbite on the internet.
Following the closure of the last BaywatchTV.org we we’re very active on instagram @Baywatch_TV, sadly this page was hacked in 2022. After several attempts at instagram, we gave up and decided to take back control with our own website!

We have an extensive gallery thats growing by the day. The gallery features classic photos of the Baywatch cast along with never before seen “edits” specifically made by BaywatchTV so you wont find them anywhere else…
We are also slowly regrowing our original youtube channel to feature clips from Baywatch episodes and some of our favorite montages have already been added, you can see these under the “Watch” section.
The “About” section is slowly filling back up with info about the show, the cast and more… we have a lot of content still to add to this so bear with us.
Latest News is exactly what you would imagine it to be, we’ll be reposting news on all the Baywatch cast here, so you don’t need to trawl google for the latest news, we’ll do it for you!
Fan Art is a small section for images we have created that perhaps don’t fit in the galleries, edits that are a little too out there…
Finally we have a “Connect” page, where you can connect with your favorite Baywatch stars on social media but also request Cameos.
So please have a look around and if you have any questions, comments or request you can leave them on this page….