Zack is suspended when he disobeys order and nearly kills JD during a rescue while Sean has a chance to get revenge on Jenna when she crashes her scarab during a cocktail party.
It’s been a terrible day for Sean. Jenna is continuing her all-out assault on him by trying to take more of his equipment (this time, the scarab and two jet skis); the beach is overrun with belligerent tourists (including a DRUNK), and Congressman McKenna is demanding a meeting to discuss finances. In the midst of all this, Sean gets a call from JD, who has just rescued an island woman who might have a back injury. JD is running out of energy, and needs back up in order to bring the woman in to shore with-out damaging her spinal chord. Not being able to leave himself, Sean sends Kekoa and Zack. Zack, as usual, is so fired up by excitement, is so in his zone because of his skills, and is so intent on saving JD and the victim that he ignores Kekoa’s warning about riding the jet ski over the waves. He wipes out. The jet ski goes careening towards JD and the victim. JD is able to pull the victim out of harm’s way, but the jet ski rams into him. He is able to muscle his way back to shore but, once the girl is safe, he collapses. In the hos-pital, Kekoa chews Zack out for his antics. He is devastated by what happened. This is just the kind of accident Jenna was waiting for: she lets McKenna know that it would not have happened under her watch. Sean has no choice but to temporarily suspend Zack.
At the hospital, JD’s brush with death has made Kekoa realize how much she truly loves him. When the rescued girl’s parents, who are part of island royalty, come by, JD forces himself to stand up to greet them, even though he is still very weak. This only makes Kekoa love him more. But, the two of them start working at cross purposes, neither wanting to admit how much the other means to them. Their cultural differences do not allow them to read each other’s true motivations.
Zack is completely bowled over by this turn of events and heads for a bar to drown his sorrows. There, he meets RACHEL, a beautiful woman, who makes him feel a little better about himself before disappearing. Later, Zack tries to approach Sean to try to get his job back. No dice at this point, and Zack makes the situation worse by pointing out that Sean is too obsessed with team. The fact that he is still drunk makes matters worse. A few days later, Zack sees Rachel again as she emerges from the water. The two of them wind up having sex on the beach. It makes Zack feel better about himself. He goes to visit JD in the hospital. He sneaks JD a beer. JD does not seem to harbor any ill will. In fact, Zack gets that JD is in love with Kekoa. Meanwhile, Kekoa has confessed to Leigh that she’s in love with JD. Leigh understands her feelings since she has so many unresolved issues with Sean. As Sean walks by, Kekoa sees that Leigh is in love with him.
Jenna approaches Sean, pretending she wants to reconcile. Actually, she wants him to sign the insurance forms for the scarab and the jet ski, transferring their ownership to her. Sean vows that this is only temporary, and signs. JD warns Sean that he’s being overly hard on Zack: given similar circumstances, he would have done the same thing. He gives Sean a new perspective on why Zack showboats: he needs to respect himself before he can be part of the team.
Jenna, flush with victory, has scheduled a party with councilman McKenna and a local businessman, BART, on board the Baywatch scarab. McKenna, piloting the scarab, runs it into some coral. Jenna calls Brian for back up, but he claims that the jet skis are being repaired (a lie) in order to force her to call Sean. She does, with little enthusiasm. He takes this opportunity to show up and be heroic. Jenna is mortified that she has been made to look like a fool in front of her guests. Worse, in the midst of her fighting with McKenna, she has revealed they had a sexual relationship and that’s why she is getting the power she has.
JD and Kekoa are now ready to move their relationship to a more serious level.
Sean spots Zack on the beach and offers him another chance. Zack realizes he will have to give lifeguarding all of his attention and, even though it pains him, he must tell Rachel good-bye. She understands, and tells him he’s a good man. Zack could not be more proud. He and Rachel spend one last night together.
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