JD must make a choice between the team and his ex-girl friend.
AXEL, a young teenager riding a Jet Ski, blows past JD, Zack and Leigh. JD yells at Axel to take it easy. Both Zack and Leigh see that something is disturbing JD: he never acts this way. Meanwhile, Kekoa is having one of the most nightmarish experi-ences a lifeguard can have: a grandfather suffers a heart attack. Moments later, Axel wipes out on his jet ski-the jet ski careening towards a young married couple. Kekoa calls for back up, but must contend with the man having the heart attack and GREER, Axel’s father, who wants her to rescue his son first. Kekoa finally has to hit him with a rescue can to get him out of her face. JD and Zack arrive at the scene of the accident. JD tells Zack to stay with Axel while he tends to the couple. By the time he gets back to Zack, he sees that Zack has disobeyed his orders and has tried to bring Axel in, getting pummeled by the waves and nearly killing both himself and Axel in the process. This only sets off JD more.
For Sean, the morning has already started out nightmarishly. Things get worse once JD and Zack return. JD starts ripping into Zack. Sean starts to defend him when JD sud-denly turns on Sean and accuses him of not running the team properly. The battle esca-lates in front of other trainees and, finally, Greer, who calmly announces that he intends to sue the team for assault and for not taking care of Axel properly. Sean tells JD he needs to take a few days off. JD, already hot under the collar, agrees. The truth is that JD has been in contact with ex-girl friend Jessie. She wants to get back together with him, but it will mean leaving the team and accepting a more conventional job. This is not something JD is prepared to do yet. That, coupled with what he perceives to be Sean’s lack of leadership, has caused his current behavior problems.
Kekoa gets a blast from her past when DREW SATO, her former boyfriend, suddenly makes a reappearance in her life. He is still fighting for environmental causes. Recently, a group of mainland-based developers have started plans for a hotel on a secluded beach that both Kekoa and Drew know is dangerous. Drew wants Kekoa to help him make a case to deny the builders a permit. Kekoa tries to get the time off, but Sean, already short handed, cannot afford it. Kekoa asks if JD could take over her shift. Sean does not think this is a good idea, but Leigh tells him that what JD really needs is a boost of confidence. JD and Kekoa have a chance to commiserate. She tells him all about her past history with Drew and how difficult a choice she had to make when she chose the team over him. But, she never regrets that choice.
Jason has a new exercise for the team: they must defeat “the mountain,” a 425 pound sumo wrestler. No one can get the hang of rescuing him. Jason reminds them it’s all about “teamwork,” and they need to join forces rather than work alone. Leigh, mean-while, contacts Axel’s parents and have them meet the newlywed couple. When he sees the other couple, Greer decides to drop the law suit.
Kekoa and Drew survey the site. Seizing the moment, he tries to steal a kiss. She is infu-riated and rebuffs him. He backs off-and slips down a hill into the churning water. Ke-koa immediately calls for back up. Sean realizes he will have to rely on JD to help. JD is ready for the challenge. The two of them arrive at the scene just in time. They manage to pull Drew to safety, but then Kekoa loses her grip and Sean must dive in to save her. JD uses all his skills and strength with a rescue tube and rope to pull the two back to the safety of the shore. As a final coda, JD must grap Sean’s arm and pull him up, solidify-ing the two men’s understanding that they truly are fighting on the same team.
Carrie confronts Jason. He wants to forget all about their dalliance, but she warns him that it isn’t over yet. Sean and JD reaffirm their friendship. JD is now ready to tell Jessie he has made his decision: he is staying with the team. After he leaves the message on her service, he goes outside, where Kekoa, ready to have a coffee with him.
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