Sean battles an old adversary who is trying to keep his cowardly past a secret.
While heading back to the training center, Sean it hit by ZACK MCEWAN, a twenty year old riding his skateboard while carrying his surfboard. Unbeknownst to Sean, Zack is going to be one of the new trainees for the team. Not wanting Sean to know that he is a prospective team member, Zack hastily makes his way out of the area. Further down the road, Zack watches as PEGGY, a pretty nineteen year old, tries to control her younger brother, CASEY, who wants to dive off the road. Using Sean’s very words, Zack warns the youth to take it easy. Of course, Casey doesn’t listen and moments later has dived off the cliff. Fortunately, daredevil jet ski champion CLIFF TYLER is in the area and radios the training center for help. Sean and Leigh head out. Sean warns Cliff to stay away, but ever the hot dogger, Cliff wants to get into the action. Instead, he causes trouble as Peggy’s hair gets caught in the intake of his jet ski. Sean is forced to cut the tail pipe in order to free her hair. Cliff at first is miffed that his vehicle was damaged, but plays up the heroics for bystanders. He is in town for an exhibition race that is being held partially to raise awareness for Sean’s team. Sean is not at all happy that he must once again work with Cliff: they have some unresolved business in their past.
Sean arrives back at the training center where he meets Zack again. He is surprised, but says nothing. Zack immediately starts flirting with CARRIE SHARP, a rich newbie from San Diego. She blows him off, but Zack never gives up. Jason finds himself in the un-usual position of having to give lectures rather than receive them. Carrie is immediately attracted to him and soon has him completely vamped. When JD comes by for their morning jog, he is stunned to see Carrie in Jason’s room.

Cliff, in trying to get closer to Sean, starts being very friendly with Leigh. Since she was there at the initial rescue, she does not buy his act at all, but is interested in his offer to help the team with some funding. Sean, though, is not happy with this at all and tells Leigh to stay out. He reveals that ten years ago, he and Cliff were doing a “tow in at Jaws” in Maui. Sean had wiped out and Cliff, in a panic, had run to shore and left him. Had it not been for another surfer, Sean would have died.
Because the weather is stormy, Sean is forced to cancel the exhibition race. Cliff as-sumes he is doing this as yet another means of grandstanding and challenges Sean to go out anyway-just the two of them. Sean refuses, but Cliff insists. Naturally, Cliff gets into trouble and Sean and Leigh are forced to rescue him. Cliff, though, doesn’t want to be taken to the training center-it would be too humiliating. Sean agrees to let him go. However, the next day, he and Leigh are stunned to see Cliff giving an interview about his bravery when he decided to buck the weather and do the race anyway. He insists that people can only count on themselves. Not able to stand his arrogance, Leigh starts to let people know what really happened, but Sean stops her. Cliff having to live with himself is punishment enough.
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