Jason falls for a professional volley ball player, never guessing she is in need of a heart transplant.
MAYA MORGAN is a pretty blonde volley ball player who happens to be a childhood friend of Carrie. Jason is immediately smitten with her and she, apparently, with him. While they are exchanging glances, off on the dock, young hooligans DANNY and MARK are trying to rip off a car from SKIPPER, a local fisherman. Danny hops in the car and starts the engine but, unfortunately, catapults it off the edge of the dock. Mark runs to call for help. Sean and Jason come running. They dive into the water, Jason armed with a hammer which he uses to break the rear window of the car and pull Danny to safety. In the process of doing this, Jason gets caught and Sean must dive back and rescue him. Back on shore, Skipper wants to have the kids arrested, but since he has hired them be-fore, it is his word against theirs that the kids were trying to steal the car. Sean takes a liking to Danny, whom he feels he can reform. Leigh, though, knows of Danny’s check-ered past and warns Sean against trusting him too much. Jenna, seeing that there is ten-sion between Sean and Leigh, uses this as an opportunity to try to recruit Leigh to her side. She uses every trick in the book, including telling Leigh of her own dalliance with Sean.
On hearing the news of the rescue, Maya invites Jason to dinner. This, in turn, leads to a night of passion. Jason thinks he’s in love, but the next morning, Maya is strangely dis-tant from him. Later, when he tries to talk to her in the water, she suffers a heart attack. It turns out that Maya is waiting for a donor transplant. But she doesn’t want anyone to know that she is sick-she wants to win the championship. She acts abusively towards Jason because she doesn’t want him to get stuck on her.
Danny is once again accused of stealing items. Leigh confronts him, knowing that his “reformed kid” act is a sham. Danny, though, insists that he truly is different. Leigh is upset that Sean will not trust her on this one.
A plane carrying a donor heart goes down and the team rushes to the rescue. Jason won-ders if this is a heart set aside for Maya. The pilot is dead, but the medical technician car-rying the heart is still alive. While Sean rescues the man, Jason brings the heart to the surface. They make it to the hospital in time, but the heart does not match for Maya. Fortunately, it can be used for another little girl, HIWA.
Leigh confronts Sean on his past fling with Jenna. She feels he was dishonest with her. Sean is not sure what to make of this recent turn of events. Hiwa comes to visit Jason. It is three months since everything has happened. Both agree that Maya would have loved to have seen the way things turned out, and would have enjoyed the sunset.
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