Written by David Braff
While test piloting a new aircraft, Mitch rescues a female Chinese refugee from drowning. When she turns out she is being smuggled into the country and is pregnant, Mitch and Caroline protect her from the Immigration authorities long enough to find her sister. Meanwhile, Garner and Matt attempt to track down a beautiful blonde who drops her bikini top as part of a beach robbery scam.
The inventor of a new flying machine known as a “paramotor” comes to Baywatch in order to demonstrate how it can assist lifeguard rescues. While flying it over the ocean, Mitch spots a makeshift raft with a woman in it. With the help of Caroline in a Scarab, Mitch rescues the woman, who is suffering from exposure. The woman is a Chinese refugee who doesn’t speak a word of English.
Despite the language barrier, Mitch and Caroline learn that her name is Sun-yee. Sun-yee shows them a piece of paper with an address in L.A.’s Chinatown. When Mitch arrives at the address, he is jumped by a group of thugs who bust a crowbar against his knee. In spite of the attack, Mitch locates Lin-wa, Sun-yee’s sister. Mitch brings Lin-wa to headquarters, where she reveals that Sun-yee is pregnant. Sun-yee fled China because of the country’s repressive population control policy where only one child per family is allowed. Now Mitch has to choose between obeying the law or saving the baby’s life.
Meanwhile, Matt and Garner have their hands full with a beach robbery scam. It seems that a beautiful blonde doffs her bikini top when taking a shower on the beach, distracting guys long enough for her partner to make off with their valuables. When Matt gets ripped off, it becomes personal, and he and Garner are determined to make a bust in more ways than one.
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