Written by Deborah Bonann Schwartz
John D. Cort, Mitch’s friend and a former lifeguard, returns to Baywatch where his life undergoes a devastating change. Meanwhile, Hobie meets a very “unique” new friend.
When CJ is menaced by a biker in front of her tower, John Cort comes to the rescue on horseback, lassoing the biker. C scolds Cort sternly for riding horseback on the beach, but can’t hide the fact that she’s still in love with Cort after years of being apart. When Cort tells her he’s back to stay, they rekindle their relationship. Aseries of strange events, however, find CJ and Mitch concerned that something is wrong with Cort. He misses routing rescues, bumps into people, and narrowly avoids a dangerous collision on his motorcycle. Cort refuses to accept that anything could be wrong with him and only a bitter confrontation between Mitch and Cort reveals that Cort is losing his eyesight. A doctor confirms Mitch’s suspicion–Cort has Retinitis Pigmentosa,an incurable eye disease that is hastened by exposure to sunlight. Cort is devastated.
Meanwhile, Hobie and Mitch take a trip to the Santa Monica Boardwalk and visit a sideshow touting the gargantuan “Argentine Giant.” Once inside, they witness an eight-foot giant of a man behind steel bars, who is spurred on by his greedy manager to scare little children for a dollar a ticket. Hobie stays behind after the show and watches as the manager, Valdez, cruelly yells at Manuel. Hobie instantly sympathizes with the oversized man who is clearly being used by Valdez. When Hone does all come upon Meny 5secret hdiang place under yeh pier. There he has crafted hundreds of delicate pelican figurines, his favorite bird. Hobie is amazed at this “gentle giant” and their friendship gives Manny the courage to leave Valdez and the sideshow life forever.
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