Story by Sherri Ziff and Michael Berk
Teleplay by Michael Berk
Aprison break gone awry finds Mitch held hostage by a beautiful woman and forced to perform surgery on her escaped convict husband. Meanwhile, Matt and Slade decide to settle their mutual affection for summer in a daring surfing contest, and accidentally stumble upon a secret and dangerous underwater cavern.
When a beautiful woman appears near Mitch’s truck, he naturally assumes she’s in need of help. But Debra pulls a gun on him and quickly ushers Mitch to a nearby fishing boat, where escaped convict Brady Harris lies mortally wounded. With a gun aimed at him, and a rudimentary first aid kit, Mitch attempts to save Bradys life by surgically extracting a bullet, hoping that Garner and the rest of the Baywatch team will find him before Debra pulls the trigger.
Summer, meanwhile, is in the middle of a romantic tug-of-war between Matt and Slade. The pressure they put on her drives Summer deeper into the throes of bulimia. When CJ confronts her with her suspicions about the eating disorder, Summer angrily denies anything is wrong. Slade and Matt decide to surf dangerous and rocky Whitewater Cove in a contest to determine who should date Summer. Both Matt and Slade catch powerful waves, but Slade’s board fails to surface. Whitewater Cove, they learn, connects to an underwater cavern that is legendary for swallowing surfboards. Matt, Slade, and Summer decide to investigate. When the three swim into the cavern, they discover they are not alone, and have to fight for their lives to escape.
Part Two
Story by Sherri Ziff and Michael Berk
Teleplay by Michael Berk
Mitch, taken hostage and held at gunpoint, performs surgery on an escaped convict with a bullet wound. Stephanie’s sister visits with her
fiance, an environmental investigator, who is mysteriously attacked underwater in a high stakes double-cross.
Against all odds, and with no surgical experience, Mitch successfully removes a bullet from escaped convict Brady Harris, only to realize that Debra has every intention of killing him now that her husband is out of danger. Using his wits and his lifeguarding experience,Mitch thwarts Debra and Brady’s plan to escape and disarms them as Garner and the Baywatch lifeguards arrive.
Stephanie’s sister, Caroline, newly engaged and visiting from up North, comes to Los Angeles with her fiancé, Frank Randall, and environmental engineer and investigator, who is conducting underwater tests in the Santa Monica Bay. When his is mysteriously attacked while collecting underwater soil samples, he ends up in a coma, clinging to life in a recompression chamber. Stephanie, suspicious that Frank’s mishap was not accidental, investigates Frank’s apartment, and is surprised when a man whose face she can’t see from her hiding place breaks in and ransacks the place. When she tells Caroline about the break-in, her sister suggests contacting Frank’s partner, Jordan Stewart, a handsome and wealthy bachelor. Stephanie is charmed by the athletic Stewart, but suspects that he knows more than he says about Frank’s “accident.”
Her fears are confirmed when Jordan slips into the hospital with another man and begins to disconnect Frank’s life support system. When Stephanie walks in on them, she recognizes Jordan’s wristwatch from the apartment break-in, and without letting him know she’s wise to
him, launches a daring plan to complete Frank’s sample collection and prove that Jordan is the culprit.
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