Written by David Braff
A new lifeguard helps Mitch and the Baywatch lifeguards confront an upsurge in gang activity, and CJ si enamored with a beach magician who nearly drowns during a bungled underwater stunt.
Frustrated in her seemingly futile efforts to stoop vandalism and gang graffiti, Stephanie is relieved to learn that Mitch has arranged for the transfer of a Long Beach lifeguard, Carlos, to Baywatch. Stephanie is instantly attracted to the handsome lifeguard and when Hobie is accosted by a group of gang members, she joins him in coming to Hobie’s rescue. Carlos stares at one of the teenagers, Adelsa, but later reports to Mitch that he didn’t get a good look at the gang members, leaving Stephanie puzzled. Carlos fails to heed Garner’s advice of “leave the gang problem to the police,” and follows the teenagers to the pier, confronting Adelsa about her gang affiliation. When Stephanie asks Carlos why he’s taken such a personal interest in the gang members, he reveals that Adelsa is his sister, adding that he blames himself for Adelsa running with a gang since he did the same before his parents sent him to Santa Barbara to live with relatives. It was there that he fell in love with the ocean and became a lifeguard. As Stephanie and Carlos share a deeply romantic moment, their interest in each other deepened by Carlos’ revelation, a shot rings out. Gang leader Luis and his crew are involved in a brawl in the bumper cars. Carlos, Stephanie, and Garner rush to the scene, but Luis escapes to the beach, where he and Carlos struggle for control of the gun. Luis is arrested and Carlos and Stephanie spend a romantic evening together, hoping that the gang trouble is behind them. The next day Louis is out on bail and vows revenge for his arrest. He comes after Carlos in a stolen lifeguard truck, plowing through his tower and engaging him in a desperate fight to the finish as Mitch, Stephanie, and the other lifeguards rush to the scene.
CJ meanwhile is courted by a daring magician, Maroni the Magnificent, who plans to jump off the pier in shackles in an imitation of the Great Harry
Houdini. When Maroni’s foolproof plan for escape is bungled and he rests on the ocean floor chained and near drowning, Cl: quietly slips into the water and untangles him, allowing Maroni to pull off the stunt and the crowd to believe in his “magic.”
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