Written by Deborah Bonann Schwartz
The Baywatch lifeguards help a country singer find his estranged wife and child.
Country superstar Jessie Lee Harris is at the top of his career. He tours constantly, is adored by fans, and has best-selling records on the
charts. The only thing missing is his wife and their young son, Jackson. Unable to bear the long separations, Crystal Harris moved out and left no forwarding address. Devastated, yet tied to a long string of tour dates, Jessie is desperate to find his wife and child. AVenice Beach postcard from Jackson convinces Jessie to take a detour to Baywatch on his way to Las Vegas in hopes of putting his marriage back together. When Jessie arrives on the beach, however, instead of locatinghis wife and son, he is immediately recognized by a throng of adoring fans who chase him into the water. C and her friend, Sadie Jennings, rescue the near-drowned singer and learn of his search for his wife and son. Sadie, and aspiring country singer herself, can’t believe that she’s actually helped rescue Jessie Lee Harris, and with CJ’s assistance, she convinces him to come to a local Country and Western bar to hear her sing. Jessie accepts the invitation, and is so impressed by Sadie’s talent, he invites her to join his tour. She is ecstatic.
The next day, Hobie and the Baywatch lifeguards distribute flyers with Jackson’s picture throughout Santa Monica. Hobie spies Jackson fishing on the pier, and runs to find Jessie. When jackson sees his father, he is so excited that he loses his balance and falls from the pier to the breakers below. Hobie jumps in after him, performing a daring rescue among the dangerous pier pilings. In the emotional aftermath of their son’s near drowning, Crystal and Jessie resolve to give their marriage another chance by joining the lifeguards and Sadie in a boot-stompin’ hoe-down at the Denim and Diamonds dance hall.
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