Mitch notices a nine-year old boy, Tanner, hanging around his tower all day. A call from Alex lets him know that the boy has been reported missing and she’s on her way to pick him up with the boy’s father, Blake. Alex pulls up to the tower with Blake who staggers out, boozed up and abusive. He slaps Tanner and drags him off the beach, warning him not to return. Mitch and Alex can only watch in shock. Later, they discuss whether there is anything they can do about the incident. Reluctantly, they decide they might be overreacting, and lifeguards are not supposed to get involved in family disputes. They probably will never see Tanner again. Alex then takes off to pursue a lifelong dream becoming a contestant on Jeopardy.
However, the next day, Tanner is on the beach again. He tells Mitch that his father gave him permission. Mitch suggests Tanner think about joining junior lifeguards. Later, Mitch returns Tanner to his home which turns out to be a dirty and dilapidated mobile home in Venice. Blake is there, furious that Mitch is interfering with his kid’s life. Mitch pitches the junior lifeguards to him, and after much discussion, Blake reluctantly agrees to let Tanner join.
At headquarters, Jessie confesses to Kristi that she really likes JD. They sit in the garage, talking and giggling like schoolgirls. They are startled when a disappointed Alex interrupts them. She has returned from her Jeopardy audition as a total failure.
Tanner shows up late for the junior lifeguards and refuses to take off his shirt, obviously hiding something. JD and Jessie help put the kids through their training paces. The two of them are growing more attracted to each other by the minute. While JD is taking a shower after practice, Jessie steals his sweat pants.
Tanner stands by the curb, waiting for Blake to pick him up. Mitch convinces the shivering boy to change his wet T-shirt and is shocked by the welts on Tanner’s back. Mitch decides to file a report, but Alex encourages him to go through normal channels. When Blake doesn’t show, Mitch offers to take Tanner to his home and fix him dinner.
Tanner winds up staying the night at Mitch’s since Blake has been arrested on a DUI. Tanner admits his father drinks a lot, but that’s because his potential career as a pro baseball player was cut short by an injury. Meanwhile, Jessie shows up at JD’s in order to return his pants, which she “accidentally” found in her bag. He invites her in, and soon they are in each other’s arms.
The next morning, Mitch and Jessie take Tanner on the JG bus for a trip to the Palos Verdes tidal pools. Blake has planned to pick Tanner up at the end of the day when he gets out of jail. Back at headquarters, Alex is excited to learn that she has been chosen as a contestant on Jeopardy after all. The bus containing Mitch, Tanner and Jessie suddenly swerves to avoid a head-on collision and plunges into Bologna Creek. It is swept by current towards the sea and begins to sink. Alex, Newman and JD are on patrol when they receive word of the accident, and they rush to the creek.
As the bus descends to the bottom, the crew tries to keep the kids alive in an air pocket. Using new equipment, Newman is finally able to locate the bus. The lifeguards dive to the bottom, open a hole in the bus, and help Mitch get everyone out safely. As they arrive back at the JG headquarters, Blake shows up, infuriated and raving. He threatens to sue the county and drags Tanner off. Alex hasn’t had time to call social services, so there is nothing they can do.
Jessie is helping Alex study for Jeopardy when they see a man flailing in the surf. Alex rescues him, and he turns out to be Jeopardy host Alex Trebek! While Alex is excited to meet him, she realizes her chances to be on Jeopardy are now dashed.
The next day, Mitch goes to Tanner’s house. He and Blake have obviously moved the yard is clean and there is no sign of them. Later, Alex Trebek arrives at headquarters to thank Alex for saving his life and to give her a lifetime supply of Jeopardy merchandise.
Guest Star List:
Alex Trebek As Himself
Tanner Cameron Finley
Blake Randall England