Three surfers are out past the surf line-too inexperienced to come in. The Scarab races to shark’s cove with Newmie, Jason and Kekoa helming things. Jason tries to rescue TEDDY, one of the surfers. At first, he does not want to be branded a “wuss,” but Jason is finally able to convince him when he cannot stay on his board. However, Teddy puts up a fuss when Jason makes him leave his board-he feels it is the duty of the lifeguards to rescue personal property as well. The board is smashed to smithereens by the heavy waves. Kekoa, unable to stand Teddy’s complaining any longer, says she sees a fly on his nose and gives him a good shove. The other surfers, less arrogant than Teddy, cannot help but laugh. As a final coda, it turns out that Kekoa really has caught a fly that was on his nose. Even Teddy is now grateful to the lifeguards for saving him.
We are at Haleiwa. Sean is taking a shower. Kekoa presents him with some special soap that will help his fair skin from burning too much. Dawn witnesses this and immediately sees that Kekoa has an enormous crush on Sean. She can’t wait to tell Allie. They both agree that Sean is hot, but also feel that he probably doesn’t even notice he is the object of Kekoa’s affections.
Meanwhile on the beach in front of the Hilton, JD and Jason are fooling around in their two man surf skis. They dump in the water because JD misinterprets one of Jason’s commands. JD, for his part, is oblivious to the fact that two beautiful women come by to offer help. Jason immediately sees an opportunity and dumps the surf ski again. The women put Jason in the middle of their canoe, while their leader tries-in vain, to get on the two person surf ski with JD.
Back on shore, Brian tells Jason he heard someone named “Jason” being paged. He’s not sure if it was for Jason or not. Jason picks up the phone. A woman, MARY BETH, is on the other end: she tells him she’s being chased and she needs him to rescue her.
Jason immediately knows he’s gotten the wrong person on the phone, but she sounds like a damsel in distress. She tells him she’s waiting by some plants. He sees her-she’s beautiful. She warns him that they’re being watched by a couple of thugs. He spots them, too. They look at him funny. Making his move, he rushes to her and picks her up, slinging her over his shoulder so they can get past the thugs. They rush past a film crew. Too late, Jason realizes he has stumbled onto a film set and has disrupted a shot. He’s embarrassed, but Mary Beth is obviously attracted to him.
Kekoa has now brought Sean some food. Dawn feels enough is enough: she goes to Sean and asks him if he has noticed that Kekoa is infatuated with him. Sean is taken aback: of course he didn’t know! He’s now puzzled, and worried about what he should do. Dawn, her suspicions about Sean confirmed, returns to Allie and Kekoa and tells them she’s tired of being looked at as a team member and not as a women. Dawn and Kekoa decide they’re going to do something about it. Allie isn’t so sure. She immedi-ately goes to Sean and lets him know that both Dawn and Kekoa have the hots for him. She’s worried that if he doesn’t do something about this soon, the team will break apart.
Back on the beach, JD notices something that is immediately disturbing to him: three very beautiful women are lying on the beach…topless! He feels they are probably from France and don’t know this isn’t accepted in Hawaii. He feels they should go down and get them to cover up. Jason, thinking JD has gone daft, suggests they tell them where the naked beach is instead. JD is immediately intrigued: he didn’t know there was a named beach in Hawaii! Suddenly, an irate female tourist storms up to the tower and demands the lifeguards do something about this effrontery to morality. JD and Jason note that the women’s children are playing fine-it’s her husband, who is staring at the topless women-that she is obviously concerned about. JD and Jason have decided to give the girls a warning, file a report (and, hopefully, get their names and numbers so they can show them where that naked beach is personally) when a young woman comes running up to them: her friend has gotten her foot stuck in a coral reef and she’s running out of air!
Jason and JD swim to the bikini-clad maiden. JD tries to free her by cutting at the reef. Jason steps in and cuts her boot, freeing her foot. She gives Jason a kiss on the cheek and swims off. When the boys resurface, they see the three kite-flying ladies have left. Jason is upset he wasn’t able to file a report, get their information, and give them his number. The middle-aged man and his wife thank them for sending those shameless women away.
Later that afternoon, Sean is cleaning the SUV. He sees Jason come by and he asks his advice about the whole Kekoa situation. Jason, being more on the frontlines of the battle of the sexes than Sean, points out that Sean hasn’t been treating the women on the team as individuals. He treats them as team members or as women. He doesn’t see them as a whole. Sean is shocked to learn that Jason has seen that the women have all found Sean “hot” since day one. Sean had been completely oblivious to his own appeal. Jason’s fi-nal piece of advice to Sean is to deal with the Kekoa situation, not duck it.
That evening, Sean goes to the girls’ dorm room. Kekoa, Allie and Dawn are there. He braces himself for his speech, and lets the women know that while he finds each of them very desirable, but that sex cannot be allowed to rear its head and destroy everything they have been working for. Of course, all the women find this makes Sean all the more cute. He offers to take them to Haleiwa Joe’s for dinner. As they are making the trek, Sean, Kekoa, and Dawn see a car with a family careen out of control when the father spills some coffee on his lap. The car hurtles over the edge of a bridge and fall into the water. Suddenly, all talk of sex is forgotten as their lifeguard instincts take over. They dive into the water and rescue the family by simultaneously breaking out the windows of the car and pulling everyone to safety. As they are pulling the victims out, Sean and Kekoa’s bodies have just the briefest moments of contact.
Mary Beth, who is actress Maxine Racine, takes Jason out to dinner. They have a good time, but she has to return to LA and her career there. Jason tells her to call him if she’s ever in the islands again.
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