Written by Gary Capo & Julian Whatley and Michael Berk
A dispute between Mitch’s lifeguard career and his father’s desire to have him take over the family business becomes intensified by devastating news about the elder Buchannon. Meanwhile, Summer struggles with a childhood trauma that threatens her future as a lifeguard.
Mitch’s parents, Al and Irene Buchannon, visit their son at Baywatch. Al has never approved of Mitch abandoning his architectural degree, leaving the family business, and becoming a lifeguard. The tension of Mitch’s decision can still be felt when the men reunite. Al stresses the need for one to leave a
“legacy,” such as a building or a home, after one dies. Mitch’s mother Irene is caught in the middle as she urges her husband’s understanding while supporting her son’s wishes.
During a quiet moment, Irene reveals to Mitch the urgency of his father’s desire for him to take over the architectural firm, because Al is dying of Lymphoma. Mitch begins to have second thoughts about remaining a lifeguard and returning to architecture. However, when Al witnesses his son rescue a pregnant woman, he realizes that what he once considered a wasted profession is far more valuable than his own. He finally comes to terms with his son’s direction in life, and concedes that Mitch will leave many more “legacies” in the lives he saves than any building he could design.
As Mitch deals with his family’s dilemma, Summer finds herself frozen with fear during a rescue. Trying to ignore the increasing terror, it later threatens a swimmers life when Summer cannot enter the water. It is up to Matt to race in and pull the swimmer to safety.
Realizing that her problem is becoming too insurmountable to bear, Summer finally confides the horrible nightmares to her mother, Jackie. She recognizes the nightmare as real, and reveals to Summer that an abusive boyfriend once locked her in a hot tub as punishment. The next day on the beach, Summer follows Mitch into the water, and, with only a brief moment of hesitancy, manages to help pull two swimmers to safety. Matt explains to Summer that sometimes you just have to know where your fears come from in order to overcome them.

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