Written by Deborah Bonann Schwartz
Mitch is paralyzed when he risks his life to save three teenagers. Hobie, Stephanie, and Sophie, his physical therapist, rally to repair his shattered life.
Three teenagers become stranded by rising waters on a small tidal isiand. Mitch, Stephanie and Newman respond to the emergency. While performing a daring rescue, Mitch is crushed between a powerful wave and asea cliff, paralyzing him below the waist. Stephanie learns that Mitch’s chances of recovery are slim. Hobie overhears the bad news and is devastated. When the doctor relates the prognosis to Mitch, it sends him into a deep depression. Mitch’s spirited physical therapist, Sophie, has no tolerance for self-pity, and immediately starts Mitch on a rigorous rehabilitation program. With her help and the support of his Baywatch family, Mitch works to regain the use of his legs.
While recuperating, Mitch meets a young paraplegic from Chicago named Jason, who was shot while trying to protect his older brother from a gang “hit.” Jason is the only witness. Fearing reprisal before the murder trial, Jason has been sent to California to stay at the hospital as a “safe house.” Jason and Mitch strike up an emotional friendship, each inspired by the other’s heroism and courage. Fearing that Jason’s testimony will expose his involvement ni the Chicago drug world, mobster Angelo Maceri dispatches a Mafia hit man to the rehab hospital. The hit man, Riddick, waits until Mitch, Sophie, Hobie, and Jason head to the beach for an outing, then attempts to run the boys down while they wheel down the bike path. They barely escape. Riddick is then warned by Angelo to silence Jason and anyone else who gets in his way.
Written by Deborah Bonann Schwartz
Paralyzed in a heroic rescue, Mitch undergoes a vigorous rehabilitation regimen. Meanwhile, Jason, a ten-year old paraplegic, is pursued by a hit man trying to keep him from testifying against gangsters.
Mitch and Hobie bravely try to face the reality that Mitch may never walk again. Jason, who is only ten years old, inspires Mitch and Hobie to face Mitch’s handicap together. Sophie, Mitch’s physical therapist, pressures Mitch to increase his exercise and therapy regimen and not give in to self-pity. But despite his intense efforts, Mitch simply cannot move his legs.
Meanwhile, hit man Riddick disguises himself as a visiting doctor, and attempts to silence Jason. When Mitch discovers that Jason is missing from his room, he follows a trail of baseball cards that Jason has dropped to the hydrotherapy room, where he finds Jason bound, gagged and being lowered into the pool by Riddick. Despite his handicap, Mitch attacks Riddick, enabling Jason to escape. Riddick and Mitch tumble into the pool, where Mitch gains the upper hand, subduing Riddick. While Mitch attends to Jason, Riddick suddenly emerges from the water. Mitch and Riddick wrestle for Riddick’s gun, and in the instant before Riddick grabs it, Mitch kicks the pistol into the water, realizing only afterwards that in the heat of battle he was finally able to move his leg.
Jason safely makes it to his trial date, and Mitch begins to regain the use of his legs. His return to Baywatch headquarters is marked by a joyous surprise party with all the lifeguards, along with Jason, Sophie, and Mitch’s doctors in attendance.
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