Written by Deborah Bonann Schwartz & Michael Berk
An escaped psychopath takes Summer and Stephanie hostage in a lifeguard tower, setting the stage for a thrilling subterranean rescue attempt by Mitch and Matt.
When murderer and psychopath Jacob Kilmer escapes from prison to terrorize a potential trial witness, his hurried departure finds him on the Will Rogers Beach near Baywatch headquarters. A police dragnet on the beach fails to turn up the elusive convict, until suddenly, Stephanie discovers Kilmer hiding in her lifeguard truck. Kilmer forces Stephanie to drive him away from the police, but Mitch, sensing something is wrong, alerts Lieutenant Sloan, the on-scene commander. The police converge on the truck, but Kilmer instructs Stephanie to drive toward Summer’s lifeguard tower, where he takes both women hostage.
Kilmer’s brilliant but deranged mind allows him to stay one step ahead of the police, who can find no way to penetrate the isolated tower. In an act of daring, Slade slips under the tower via the ocean, and attempts to disarm Kilmer. His actions earn him a bullet wound to the shoulder, and he retreats to headquarters, immediately being sent to the hospital. Kilmer demands that a helicopter be landed near the tower to serve as his getaway craft. Sloan plans to put a sharpshooter on board, which Mitch believes could endanger Summer’s and Stephanie’s lives. The hard-as-nails Sloan cautions Mitch to stick to lifeguarding, and Sloan boards the sharpshooter on the helicopter.
Desperate to save his co-workers, Mitch forges a plan to utilize the beach storm drain system to tunnel under Summer’s tower and stop Kilmer. Mitch and Matt crawl along the rusty old pipe system, trying to estimate the location of the tower above them, but their calculations prove incorrect, with Mitch emerging ten feet short of the tower. With the SWAT helicopter rapidly approaching, Mitch must dig through the remaining ten feet of sand in order to capture Kilmer and rescue Stephanie and Summer.
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