BaywatchTV.org is an un-official site dedicated to the TV show Baywatch. The site is fan run, for the fans. All original text and graphics belong to BaywatchTV,org (unless stated otherwise), all pictures, scans, screencaps etc. are copyright to their original owners. This site is non-profit, and is in no way trying to infringe on the copyrights or businesses of any of the entities. All content posted up on this site is used under the Fair Use Copyright Law 107. All photos are copyright to their respective owners. If you would like something removed please contact us baywatchtvorg@gmail.com
Baywatch is a registered trademark of Freemantle.
History of BaywatchTV.org
So you want to know more about our website? Well look no further. Here is a history of BaywatchTV.org! Hopefully this is only just the start of our journey. The latest incarnation of the website was launched October 2024! and as of writing, we are still building – however, we are officially the LARGEST Baywatch website on the WWW once again!

The Ultimate Baywatch Website is launched! A small website dedicated to Baywatch, my first attempt at creating a website and needless to say, it wasn’t great. Built with a page builder at Lycos, the page was limited but it was the start of something exciting.
A rebrand to Baywatch Ultimate and a move to several different hosts – from GeoCities to Tripod and everywhere in between. It was at this stage the page started to really gain momentum, quickly drawing in thousands of visitors a week. the problem was, GeoCities and the like limited bandwidth, so very quickly the page would be offline. During this time Hawaiian Wedding was being filmed in Hawaii which further helped draw traffic to the site

BaywatchUltimate.com is launched! We bit the bullet and purchases a domain name and secure more reliable hosting. BaywatchUltimate.com is now officially the WWW’s largest Baywatch website. Our gallery held over 2000 Baywatch photos, videos and more. A complete resource for all things Baywatch. We hosted the largest Baywatch message board as well, with thousands of active users posting each week, sharing stories, images and more.
BaywatchUltimate.com closed its doors in 2010, 9 years after starting the hosting costs became too much and life became too busy. We tried to keep the message board alive, but without regular updates and no website linked to it, unfortunately the message board became dormant within a few months.

BaywatchTV begins – I couldn’t stay away, Baywatch was a hobby and a passion. I said I would create a small space online to share a few bits of Baywatch, nothing like the previous website just something small…I found a free host and a free domain BaywatchTV.co.nr …. however, as always I couldn’t resist going BIG so within a few months BaywatchTV.org was launched.
BaywatchTV.org was launched with the intention of filling the void left by Baywatch Ultimate, a complete resource for all things Baywatch. A place that fans could interact with each other and the site. Along with BaywatchTV.org, we launched companion YouTube channel, Facebook page and Instagram feed.
By 2014 BaywatchTV.org was thriving, 40k unique visitors a month. Our social channels were flying up and we were interacting with the cast. We were lucky enough to do Q&A’s with; Erika Eleniak, Kelly Packard and even the world most famous blonde, Pamela Anderson! an absolute wild ride. Couple this with the Baywatch cast following on socials and liking posts we were living THE DREAM!
As 2020 hit, due to the size of the website and traffic it was generating our hosting costs became astronomical once again. The world was in a pandemic and the uncertainty in everything meant it was not financially feasible to continue the site. We closed our doors, however we kept our socials active!
Funnily, the majority of Baywatch content that is out there online comes with a BaywatchTV.org watermark! I come across it often and it makes me smile every time I see it.

The Baywatch_TV instagram page was now at over 40k followers, every post would be a minimum 1k likes, even the official Baywatch instagram was thousands of followers behind (sorry/not sorry). Then, in December 2022 it all came crashing down. The page was hacked and we had no way back in. That’s where I gave up, no more “doing Baywatch” online, it just seemed pointless.
From around late 2023-2024 We started several more instagrams, however these were being reported over and over and constantly being deleted, losing everything! Every time the instagram would build a following it would be taken away. So, that’s when I decided, I would do a new website. I wouldn’t be restricted by Instagram or those that wanted the pages to fail (believe me they exist!). I’d create a new BaywatchTV.org, I had mountains of content to share and I still owned the BaywatchTV.org domain. So in October 2024 BaywatchTV.org V2.0 was launched….and here we are…
I should probably answer a question I get a lot, “watermarks on pics…why?”; Well, as you’ll know 99% of photos on this website are “original content” by original I mean I have in some way spent time making the photo bigger or clearer or even extending it. The watermark is an unfortunate necessity as there are some people out there that will take these HD pics and sell prints on eBay… very frustrating..
Special Thanks

A special thank you to everyone who has visited the websites and socials over the year and that have supported my efforts, it truly means a lot.
A big thank you to Michael Berk; your support, encouragement and approval has been incredible. Keep being awesome!
To the cast. Amazing. Your interactions with myself, the website and socials over the years has been a dream come true.
I especially want to thank; Pamela Anderson, Erika Eleniak, Kelly Packard, David Chokachi, Nicole Eggert, Gena Lee Nolin, Angelica Bridges, Jaason Simmons, Brande Roderick, Brandy Ledford, Krista Allen, Simon Mackinnon, Traci Bingham, Jeremy Jackson, Nancy Valen, Mitzi Kapture, Carmen Electra and Alicia Rickter.
Thank you for “liking”, commenting, messaging and generally being good sports for a big fan!
Finally, a thank you that makes its way to every website I’ve had; Jessica, Anthony, Barb, Melissa, Ryan, Breezy & Shae. You made the early years an absolute blast! thank you!