Story by Michael Berk and Sherri Ziff
Teleplay by Michael Berk
Summer has love problems when Slade returns from a world surfing tour to discover Matt and Summer and dating, and CJ is pursued by a bungee. jumping balloonist. Meanwhile, Garner patrols the beach on horseback.
Astring of petty thefts on the beach convince Garner that he needs to trade his police ATV in on a horse. Mitch thinks the idea is ridiculous, but when Garner reveals that his father was a legendary rodeo star, and has the moves on horseback to prove it, Mitch becomes a believer.
CJ has her hands full with Simon, an executive who has fallen for her and will not take no for an answer. His hobby is hot air ballooning, but CJ thinks he’s full of hot air.
After devising a number of attention- getting stunts to impress her with his love, he pulls the ultimate when he dives from the gondola of his balloon over the beach. At the last minute, a bungee cord yanks him to safety. CJ is not impressed, but Simon vows to continue his quest for her love.
Summer, meanwhile, is stunned to see Slade standing in front of her tower. His return from a world surfing tour was unannounced and neither Matt or Summer has planned what they are going to tell Slade about their newfound love for one another. Summer, confused about what to do, finds herself on the rollercoaster ride of bulimia–bingeing and then purging, unable to control her emotions or her appetite.
When Slade learns of the affair from a third party, he confronts Matt. Matt and Slade decide to settle the matter between themselves and resolve to bungee jump from Simon’s hot air balloon, with the closest to the water winning Summer! When Slade’s bungee cord is cut too long, he is knocked unconscious in the water. Matt forgets their quarrel, and dives off the balloon to the ocean 100 feet below.