Mitch arrives at the police station, and Hobie confesses the truth about Josie. Mitch is furious that his son would take the boat out with too many teens on board, and that he would also cover for someone else. Hobie’s bail is set at $250,000. The blood tests won’t be back until the next day, so Hobie has to stay in jail overnight.
Mitch is understandably tense the next day at work, so when April, Sheryl and Jessie keep trying to shift their tower assignments, he has a momentary flare up. Jessie remains a little scared about taking tower responsibility, and keeps asking April how she is dealing with the drowning. Meanwhile, April offers Mitch money from her design royalties to help him make bail, and Mitch gratefully accepts as well as using the deed to his house as collateral.
At the hospital, Hobie stops by Josie’s room to see how she’s doing. She is still in a coma. Her father shows up and angrily confronts Hobie, who tries to explain that Josie is the one who pulled the throttle, but her father doesn’t believe it. He asks Brad, who is also there. Brad makes up a story that Hobie was hot-dogging it and caused the accident. Hobie lunges at Brad and is forcibly restrained. Josie’s father threatens Hobie with further action. The next day, Mitch must tell his son that he is temporarily off the lifeguard roster. Hobie feels left alone and abandoned.
Meanwhile, Jessie has a terrible nightmare that she is guarding the beach alone, and everyone starts drowning and calling to her. She locks herself in the tower and finds them pressing at her window. She starts screaming and is awakened by April, who understands her angst.
Jessie now has serious doubts about her ability to be a lifeguard. Following her nightmare, she and April go out to pick up a “ghost net,” but they do not realize two young women are swimming in the area and one has been caught in the net. April immediately jumps into the water, but Jessie is frozen with fear. After the rescue is completed, Jessie announces she is going to quit.
Hobie, still angry, goes out surfing. Brad and a chum start harassing him and knock him off his surfboard. Hobie responds by jumping at them and throwing a punch. Mitch breaks up the fight and lectures Hobie about his immature behavior. He warns Hobie that he could be fired. He takes Hobie to the hospital to see Josie, who has come out of her coma. Josie confesses that she caused the accident, and Brad slinks quietly out of the room. Josie’s father apologizes to Hobie.
Mitch tries to convince Jessie to stay and she promises to give him an answer by the end of the day. Later, April and Mitch smile when they see Hobie and Josie kissing.
Guest Star List:
Josie Opal Anchel
Brad John Stevenson
Josie’s Father Franc Luz