After a brief recap of the first episode, we open on Witch’s Brew, a cliff that looks down on a lava rock “chimney.” Surrounded by swirling currents of water. Rock is waiting in an IRB beyond the surf line. Sean gets everyone to dive in the water and swim to the boat. Before they jump, each is to give one quality a lifeguard must have. Jason, being the most fearless, jumps in first, saying “In-stinct.” The rest follow, each reciting a special skill: JD’s are discipline and training; Jessie’s are “speed, strength, ability, flexibility and endurance;” Allie’s is “anticipation;”. Kekoa’s is “know your water.” She points out to Sean that Witch’s brew looks a lot more treacherous than it actually is. Sean goes last. The other team members, in the water, score him on his dive.
Sean and Kai are observing all the new members of the team moving in. First comes Al-lie, who is loaded down with maps. She is into treasure hunting. In their hotel room, Jessie and Kekoa are taking their things out of their bags. Kekoa is not pleased to see all the paraphernalia Jessie has brought with her-especially since Jessie’s stuff dominates the bedroom. The two girls obviously are not going to become fast friends right away. Kekoa storms out of the room. Seeing JD, she tells him that she thinks Jessie’s a real bitch. Next, Kekoa marches in on Sean and tells him there will be trouble if he doesn’t rearrange the sleeping arrangements. But Sean’s night is not done: JD has come up with a work out schedule and a roster of duties for everyone at the camp. JD knows he’s being anal retentive. Kai is amused by all the shenanigans Sean will be facing. Sean is most worried about romantic attachments developing. Sean goes to visit Mitch to express his concerns. Mitch finds Sean’s predicament amusing. But, he is off to a birthday party and can’t talk more now.
We are now at a beach luau where HINA (the girl Mitch rescued in the previous episode) is celebrating her birthday. Mitch has two sips of a Mai Tai. Suddenly, Hina starts wob-bling and falls over. Mitch instantly guesses what’s wrong with her and rushes to her side. Two PARAMEDICS arrive and, not knowing Hina’s history, treat her like an Asthma patient. Mitch, though, knows she is suffering from secondary drowning. He tries to tell the medics, but they smell the Mai Tai on his breath and assume he is drunk. Mitch, des-perate, pushes one medic aside. He grabs the medic’s hand before he can give Hina a shot that might prove fatal. Fortunately, the second medic has kept a clear head and knows that what Mitch is saying might be true. He listens to her lungs and hears they are clogged. She is rushed to the hospital, with Mitch at her side. Mitch helps by using the resuscitation bag. Back at the hospital, Hina’s father wonders what would have happened had Mitch not been there. Once again, his daughter owes her life to him.
On the docks, Newmie and Jessie watch as the Baywatch boats are off loaded. Suddenly, an explosion happens elsewhere in the harbor. Newmie immediately jumps into action by yelling to the forklift driver to put the scarab into the water.
The forklift driver doesn’t quite understand what Newmie is talking about, so Newmie jumps into the trailer and dumps the boat into the water himself. He picks up a young woman in the water, who screams that her husband Harry is still on board. Newmie climbs on board as the Coast Guard helicopters and Honolulu Fire Boats come closer. Newmie finds Harry and tosses him off the boat. He dives in and starts swimming Harry towards the scarab. The boat explodes. The victims, though, are all safe.
Allie shows up at a vacation helicopter ride service, run by TOMMY MARGOLUS. He is impressed with her credentials and agrees to hire her. They take a tour of the islands and buzz Newmie and Jessie as they ride the scarab towards Haleiwa.
Kekoa takes Jason to meet KO LANI, a local Hawaiian. Ko Lani talks to Jason about his past: how his father disappeared and his mother died. He came to Hawaii to try to find the spirit of his father. Ko Lani wisely tells Jason to let the past go. He shows him the ocean (at sunset) and reminds him that the water is his destiny.
Back at the hospital, Hina recovers. Mitch can finally give her the birthday present he brought.
The team is ready for their next test. Sean and Kai drive them out to a point about three miles from shore. When they arrive about three miles off shore, Sean tells them to swim back. Everyone assumes that this means whoever gets back first wins, and whoever is the last will be the one eliminated. Sean and Rock head the IRB for shore while the life-guards start swimming.
Part of the way back, Jessie thinks she sees something that looks like the signal buoy from a downed boat. Everyone but Jason immediately drops the race and comes to her aid. Jason follows a little behind, still concerned about winning. Sure enough, below the surface they see a boat. But, they don’t have any equipment.
Using their ingenuity, everyone dives again. They hear a faint pounding from inside the hatch. Allie knows they need to find something to serve as a lever. Jessie spots a crank handle. Time is running out, and everyone surfaces to get a final breath of air. They dive again and pull open the hatch. The “victim” pops out-it is none other than Mitch. The entire race to shore was a ruse to see if the lifeguards were observant. They have obvi-ously passed the test.
Mitch gives a speech to remind everyone why they came to Haleiwa and what their true mission is.